Thursday, September 17, 2009

Back to School

I've just started my last semester at school! Almost done. I'll still be working on the high poly stuff, but for the next few months it will have to take a back seat to a Flash short that is a class assignment.

I love 3D, but I have a lot of fun with Flash as well, so this will be a cool class project for me. The assignment is to have a fully finished 2 min. short done while completing other assignments as we learn. The start of the class is just going over stuff I already know, but it will give me a chance to get better and pick up little tips along the way. I'm sure after getting past the initial "getting to know the tools" part of class I'll learn a lot of cool tips and ways to improve my Flash workflow.

I'm working out the story right now, but I'll post my progress on this assignment, and any 3D work I do in the meantime.

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